About Us?
Ecolite Nutrition Domain (S) Pte Ltd mission is to serve the communities with nutrition, wellness and healthcare. Its aspiration and goals are to meet current and future health and nutritional needs of consumers producing tasty and yet 100% natural nutritional food and beverages. Current focus is to innovate new formulated products suitable for 3 HIGHS (High Blood Sugars, High Cholesterol and High Blood Pressure) and other specific general health purposes such as support immune system, bone health, skin beauty. Our goal is to be Global Branding and Market Leader. Our market is not only Singapore but also include countries in Asia.
Your HEALTH, WELLNESS and NUTRITION is our ultimate goal!
Delivery service:
Delivery will take between 3 – 5 working days after orders are placed.
Delivery charges
Order of less than $60 = $20 delivery charge
Order of between $61 – $150 = $10 delivery charge
Order of more than $150 = Free of delivery charge
Ecolite Nutrition Domain (S) Pte Ltd 的使命是在营养、健康和卫生保健领域为社区服务。
我们的愿景和目标是满足消费者当前和未来的健康和营养需求,生产美味且100%天然 营养食品和饮料。我们着重于创新新的配方产品,以打击三高 (高血糖、高胆固醇 和 高血压)同时维持免疫系统,骨骼健康,皮肤美容等。我们的目标是成为全球品牌和 市场领导者。现有市场不仅是新加坡,也包括亚洲的国家。
订单的3 – 5个工作日内送货。
订单少于$60 = 运送费$20
订单$61 – $150 = 运送费$10
订单超过 $ 150 = 免运送费
Sale! Limited Time Offer!!!
What Our Customers are Saying
“I have high blood sugar, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. I have been on medicine on high cholesterol. I took Grainnergy for 2 months. After 2 months, l went for a medical check up, my cholesterol level is maintained at healthy level even l miss taking the medicine. I use Grainnergy as a meal replacement for my meal. It help detoxification and help my weight management.”
Ms Angie“I work long hours and would regularly skip dinner to finish my work so as to go home earlier. GrainNergy allows me to remain healthy as I drink it as a supplement meal for days where I am too busy to have dinner.”
Roger“I chanced upon Matchasoy when I was at Jurong Polyclinic Pharmacy. I always love anything that has high in Anti-Oxidants as it is known help to support preventing cancer and good for smooth and radiant skin. I know that matcha is even better than green tea as it has much higher anti-oxidant levels. I spend a lot of time outdoors and sometimes I buy can drinks or drink coffee and that already cost me $1.20 to $1.50. I thought it is worthwhile to switch to this healthy tasty drink instead. Now I drink it every morning because I just love the taste! It has been months that I have been drinking and never get tired of it. I recommend to my friend and now he also switched from coffee in the morning, to Matchasoy! It is tasteful and not so sweet. I understand the little bit of sweetness is natural from the soybeans. I hope everyone will start drinking healthy!”